• 01874636209
  • turugygu@mailinator.com


Fund for children education The power of Community

We are very much greatful to you for your donation. Your little effort help us to change big...

Goal: 36,000₺ 51 days left
8 Donated

Must you with him from him her were more

We are very much greatful to you for your donation. Your little effort help us to change big...

Goal: 32,000₺ 499 days left
13 Donated

On it differed repeated wandered required in

We are very much greatful to you for your donation. Your little effort help us to change big...

Goal: 51,000₺ 60 days left
1 Donated

My justice wishing prudent waiting in be

We are very much greatful to you for your donation. Your little effort help us to change big...

Goal: 73,000₺ 52 days left
11 Donated

Talking justice welcome inquiry in started

We are very much greatful to you for your donation. Your little effort help us to change big...

Goal: 63,000₺ 137 days left
135 Donated

Led own hearted highest visited lasting sir through

We are very much greatful to you for your donation. Your little effort help us to change big...

Goal: 46,500₺ 10 days left
154 Donated

Helping Today Helping tomorrow charity

Helping Today Helping tomorrow charity